Monday, December 20, 2010

They get NO Respect, true, True & TRUE

Not surprising really.  This little outfit stuck away in N.Ontario, just did a "Bought Deal" for $10 Mil.

Now what possibly could they do with $9+ Mil dollars?

Is it the re-development of the old Pickle Crow mine, infrastructure and workings or the 10K acres they
hold around it in a Red-Lake like setting?

Truly, I give the management some credit as  I view their work, not having  met them, except for short moments.

So why I care about them is thus:  Their market cap is about 50 Mil, peanuts,  when compared to
Rubicon Minerals at $ 1.1 BIL, and nicely undervalued
compared to Claude Res at $300 Mil.

Throughout the Good and Bad times, PC Gold has kept chugging along, developing their resources and actually doing mining work, in a mining setting, and in addition, showing some respect for the "Original People" of the region Mishkeegogamang Ojibway Nation
which, IMO, right,wrong or indifferent is a good comment on Management and their level of understanding.

For those interested in why I compare PKL to RBY, this is from the PC Gold Site Subsection REGIONAL GEOLOGY : "Regionally, the Pickle Crow Property lies within the Uchi subprovince of the Canadian Shield, the same belt of 2.7-3.0 billion year old metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks that host the deep, rich mines of the Red Lake area, including Goldcorp’s high grade Red Lake Mine. ".  The DEPOSIT TYPE:
"Gold occurrences in the Pickle Lake mining camp are classic examples of deposits grouped under the descriptive model of Archean low-sulphide Au-quartz veins......This category of gold deposit is found in every major Archean craton and accounts for worldwide historic gold production in excess of 9,900 tonnes of gold, second only to the Witwatersrand modified paleo-placer gold deposits of South Africa.".   The Technical
Report NI43-101 Jan 25, 2008
covers a lot of food for thought,  and rather than bore your with the details, you can access and read what you want of it at NI 43-101, and just see what you think.

After talking with some knowledgeable geo types, I'd have to say I am unafraid to own this stock, WITHIN the PROVISIONS of GOOD TIMING.    I know that people who bought  in the Spring of this year, are going to have to hold a bit longer to reap the benefits that buyers at lower levels are already having.

You can access this link and get a shot at the LAST CHANCE to  get Denaliguide Summits PPP, before we double  our rates in 2011  LAST CHANCE
Only those with the link get this shot.   We will be covering PKL more in 2011.


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